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Item Library Access And Use For Users With Special Needs At The University Of Education, Winneba(University Of Ghana, 2021-10) Kulekpo, B.K.Previous studies have reported that academic libraries in Ghana are often not well equipped to meet the special needs of special-needs students despite the provisions of Ghana's Disability Act 2006. Hence, this study was conducted due to a lack of recent such studies at the University of Education, Winneba to find out whether users with special needs have adequate access to and use the library at the university. The significance of the study is that its findings would help the library to understand and thereby implement measures to improve the quality of access and use of the library for users with special needs in the university. Four research questions were posed. It was a descriptive survey where a cross-sectional survey was used for this study. The study sample totaled 50 respondents, comprising 25 front desk library staff of the university library and 25 students with special needs at the Department of Special Education. These respondents (i.e., library staff and library users with special needs) were chosen using a simple random sampling technique and a purposive sampling technique, respectively. A closed-end questionnaire featuring Likert-type response scales was used to collect data. The statistical techniques used to analyse data collected were frequencies and percentages. The results of the study revealed that, even though users with special needs access and use the library, some resources are not used as expected due to the unavailability of assistive technology devices. The results also revealed that library staff were not familiar with sign language, which was the main communication modes for students who are deaf. The recommendation, therefore, was that assistive devices should be procured and library staff be trained in sign language and other areas in disability issues so that they can support library users with special needs in the University.Item Collection Security in Selected Private University Libraries in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2020-11) Amankwah, D.N.Collection is an important component of the library as it is the base upon which a library adds value and provides essential services to its users. Collection security is designed in order to protect library collections against unauthorized access. The study sought to identify collection security issues, find out the existing security threats, determine staff and user awareness of security, verify if there was a collection security policy and examine the collection security measures in place. The study was guided by the Collection Security Management Model. The study employed an exploratory case study to help in the better understanding of the topic under investigation. A questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from a sample size of 297 respondents. In addition, thirteen (13) library staff from Valley View University and Ghana Technology University College, now Ghana Communication Technology University were interviewed. The study found that the two libraries had security problems caused by lack of awareness of rules and regulations, lack of proper orientation to users on the use of the library collection, insufficient library collection for users, ignorance and lack of adequate punishment to serve as a deterrent to others and self-interest. Further, the study found a low level of awareness of security in the two libraries due to lack of training of staff and orientation for users. More also, the research showed that there was a functional collection security policy, but the issue was in relation to adhering to the policy. Finally, the research found that users were aware of human and technological measures put in place by both Valley View and Ghana Communication Technology Universities. It was recommended that the two libraries should provide adequate staff training. In addition, they should engage in orientation and awareness creation programmes for users and staff. The two libraries must adopt effective collection security policies, provision of physical and technological security systems and ensure the collective responsibility of all stakeholders.Item Performance Measurement of university libraries A Case study of the university of education, Winneba (UEW) Library(University of Ghana, 2010) Jones, W.This study focused on the performance of the university of education library. The study tested the theory of service quality as proposed by zeithamla et al (1985) who explains the gap between an organization and its customer and their perception and expectation in relation to service quality. They make the point that only customers can judge quality all other judgments are irrelevant. To achieve this aim, the survey methodology was used to survey one hundred and fifteen users of the UEW library. The respondent were made up of fifty two undergraduates students, twenty graduates students, nineteen teaching and fifteen non-teaching staff. The study revealed that, while most of the users rated their perception of library service as either moderate or moderately high. These were not meeting in the most cases their desired or maximum service quality levels. The results further indicated that, the users were not satisfied with the physical facilities, the accuracy and dependability and willingness of staff to provide prompt services. Further even though the employees had a moderately high rating for knowledgeability. Users perceived staff courteousness to be below their desire and maximum service quality level. The same applied to the individualized attention that the various user categories received when they access library services. In addition, the results further indicated a bias by the UEW library in their service to the various user groups. The teaching and the non- teaching staff gave better rating than mostly the undergraduate and sometimes the post graduate students. The study concluded that generally the performance of the UEW library was not meeting the users desired and maximum service quality levels and that does not facilitate quality academic service. Therefore, in order to enhance the performance of the UEW library there is a need for the UEW authorities as a whole and the library in particular to create awareness on importance of and benefit to be derived from service quality performance measurement. The institution of formal performance measurement that see the views of users on how well the library is performing Also, UEW library should process and made aware of the results and its implications. This will ensure that not only will staff embrace the results and see it as a challenge to overcome but will also make the necessary adjustments to improve upon their service.Item Book Aid in Library Development. A Case Study of the Ghana Book Trust and Ranfurly Library Services(University of Ghana, 1992-10) Amoako, R.K.A number of International Organizations have donated books and provided cash for book purchases toward library development in Ghana. This essay has attempted to examine the roles played by the Ghana Book Trust and the Ranfurly Library Services. An attempt has also been made at the determining the importance and impact of book aid. A justification for the continued reliance on book aid has been made despite dissenting views on this type of assistance. The essay concludes by making recommendations for improving the book donation programme in Ghana.Item Stress Management in Technical University Libraries: A Study of Takoradi and Cape Coast Technical Universities(University of Ghana, 2020-10) Aminu, Y.J.The purpose of this study was to examine stress management activities among professional and para professional staff of Cape Coast and Takoradi Technical University Libraries. The aim was to identify the sources, effects and the coping strategies of stress adopted by staff. The study adopted the descriptive survey design with a qualitative approach. Samples of fifteen (15) participants were used for the study. Interview was the main data collection method and the qualitative data gathered was analysed thematically. The study revealed that inadequate resources, unruly user behavior, and attitude of colleagues and lack of funding among others were the main sources of stress. The study further revealed that stress had effects on the staff’s personal lives and performance. Again, the study revealed that staff used various personal methods such as taking a walk, sharing their problem with others, sporting activities, relaxation and prayers in coping with stress. It was recommended that authorities provide these resources needed to enable them work effectively and efficiently to satisfy the information needs of their client and also reduce their stress levels. The establishment of counselling centers that will guide staff in managing their problems that caused stress, was also recommended.Item Automating a Private University Library in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges: A Study of the Walton Whaley Library of the Valley View University(University of Ghana, 2003-12) Amoah, C.N.E.This work enquired into the issues concerning automating a private university library - the Walton Whaley Library at the Valley View University. It looked Into how patrons and staff of the library feel about the issues. It examined their knowledge about computers and library functions. Based on this knowledge they would be able to intelligently advice or voice their opinions on the issue.Item Continuing Professional Development of Professional Librarians in the Public University libraries in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2003-10) Adanu, T.S.A.This work is a report on a research conducted on the continuing professional development (CPO) of professional librarians in the five public university libraries in Ghana. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between continuing professional development (CPO) of library professionals working in the five public university libraries in Ghana and job advancement/promotion, CPO and job satisfaction, CPO and job performance/efficiency. Continuing professional development will be defined by the following general factors. These are: the individual, the library/institution, CPO activities. CPD development plan. professional goals and training needs. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents were aware of CPO activities and a significant number of the respondents were actually involved in CPO. CPO was seen as having a positive impact on job satisfaction. A personal plan was seen as important for cpo. Library management of all five public university libraries said CPO was encouraged in different ways although they consented that there was an absence of a written CPO policy. The study showed that CPO had a great influence on job performance. CPO was seen also as a great aid to promotion as well as career advancement. Research and publishing showed up as the most needed of the CPO activities for promotion. Respondents were generally motivated to pursue CPO activities. The major barrier to CPO turned out to be finances and the main motivating factor for engaging in CPO activities was to update skills. Involvement in CPO was generally seen as a shared responsibility of stakeholders, the individual (employee). the library (employer). Training needs identified were many and diverse, reflecting the fact that CPO needs differ from individual to individual. Recommendations were made and suggestions given for further research. Recommendations made included the need for the documentation of CPO policy by employers and policy makers. Library management was encouraged to set up a training department within the library to cater for the training needs of staff including professionals. To the employees or professionals. it was suggested that there was a need for them to recognize that certain CPO activities like research and publishing counted more towards promotion than others. The importance of networking and teaming up for joint research was emphasized. Suggestions for further research included a comparative study between CPO practices and opportunities of professionals in the public universities on one hand and those in the private universities.Item Library Automation in Ghana: A Case Study of the Ghana Book Trust Children's Library(University of Ghana, 2002-09) Akutsa, E.Library automation bas been tagged the tool of the era. a medium by which the uncontrollable increase in Information could be managed and made easily accessible to the numerous users whose information needs are diverse. The acceptance of library automation has not wished away the great financial responsibilities that weigh heavily on many libraries especially in the developing countries, which has either delayed the automation process or prevented them from carrying out this important project. The GBT Children's library had financial support from an international aid agency, Ford Foundation and Ghana Book Trust, its parent organization in carrying out its computerization program ,that has also led to the expanded library service of IT education and enhancement of information resources and delivery. There is much awareness among the clients of the library to make use of these services but this expectation has not been met due to low staff strength and non availability of formal structures such as orientation of new members and IT course outline. There is also the need to put In place an IT policy for the maintenance and development of the system. The research looked at the factors that favored automation and it revealed that factors such as expert advice, financial aid from Ford Foundation and GBT Children', Library staff support led to the successful planning, implementation and maintenance of the automation project.Item Information Seeking Behaviour of Graduate Students of the University of Professional Studies, Accra (Upsa)(University of Ghana, 2016-07) Gyesi, K.; Markwei, E.; Alemna, A.A.; University of Ghana, College of Education, School of Information and Communication Studies, Department of Information StudiesA study of the information seeking behaviour of students is an important pre-requisite for a library to provide efficient information resources and services to meet their information needs. The purpose of the study is to investigate the information needs, information sources, information seeking behaviours, library use, and challenges to information seeking behaviour of graduate students of the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA). The study employed the survey methodology. Stratified random sampling was used to select 121 graduate students from a population of 804 to participate in the study. The main data collection instrument was the questionnaire. The data was analysed descriptively by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The main information needs of students identified in the study include career information, self-development, employment, course information, health, entertainment, sports, and religion. They use five main categories of information sources: interpersonal, internet, mass media, electronic and print. The internet was the main source of information even though they also indicate the use of the library. Their information seeking behaviours include active search, passive search, and ongoing search. The challenges they encountered in seeking information are mostly technical, which are, unstable internet connection, low internet speed, issues regarding accessibility using password, and inadequate computers. The study concluded that it is important for the university authorities to work together with the library to address these problems so that the information needs of students are fully met to enhance their academic work.