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Item Rethinking The Collection Development Phenomenon: A Case Study Of KNUST Library(University of Ghana, 2009-10) Arkorful, D.V.K.Academic libraries, particularly university libraries, play pivotal role in document information dissemination. They provide educational sources for students, lecturers and researchers. In other words they are central sources of acquisition of varied and diverse information. The ever increasing growth in the volume of publication in all fields of knowledge coupled with the advent of information and communication technology in libraries, have widened the scope of library services, especially university library services. It has been noted, however, that collection development is one of the least developed aspects of librarianship in Ghana. Consequently many academic libraries in Ghana are unable to achieve the objectives for which they have been established. The study was to examine the collection development procedures of the KNUST Library in relation to user information needs. The study was designed within the framework of collection development processes; it lays emphasis on collection development upon request. The concept here is easy access to relevant information upon demand and not collection development in anticipation of user need. The study involved the collection of extensive data to produce understanding of the entity being studied. The research design used by the researcher in the study was survey methodology. Questionnaires were used as the data collection instrument for the study. Data was collected from 84 out of 85 library personnel of the KNUST Library System. Among the significant findings were that the KNUST Library does not have a laid down policy on access to information. The library does not have adequate funds to be able to fulfill all its collection development objectives. It was also found that, the whole library system is yet to be automated thus, users do not have the opportunity to do online search to enhance access to information. Among the recommendations made were that the library should have a well documented policy on access to information and the functions of the library should also be automated.Item Marketing of Library and Information Services in Selected Technical Universities in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2019-07) Mohammed, H.The study investigated into marketing of library and information services/resources in Sunyani, Kumasi and Tamale Technical universities in Ghana. Specifically, it dealt into areas of importance which covers the objectives of the study such as; need for marketing of library services, services/resources available in the selected libraries for marketing, techniques and tools being used by the selected libraries in marketing, competencies and skills required of information professionals in marketing of library services, measures for effective marketing of library services and challenges faced by the selected libraries in marketing their services. The 7p’s marketing mix theory was used. The study relied on both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. Twenty (20) professional library staff were interviewed with the use of a structured interview schedule, while two hundred and eightyfour (284) students answered the questionnaire. Data collected from students was analyzed with the use of SPSS, while data from professional library staff was recorded, transcribed and interpreted. The findings revealed that respondents were fully aware of the benefits of the marketing concept and therefore the need for marketing of library services was greatly emphasized. The services/resources used by the selected libraries were found to be inadequate and the few ones available were not properly marketed due to inability of these libraries to properly use the right techniques and tools in marketing them. Inadequate facilities, lack of funds, lack of staff and knowledge of staff in marketing and lack of marketing policies were identified as major challenges faced by the selected libraries in marketing their services. Some recommendations were however suggested and include; advocate for more facilities and funds for marketing, increase collection of their libraries, increase number of staff and skills in marketing and develop best marketing policies, tools and techniques for effective marketing activities in their libraries.Item Library Resources and Security Challenges in Academic Libraries in Ghana(University of Ghana, 2019-07) Afachao, E.Academic libraries, like any other organizations, are likely to encounter security challenges. This study explored the security challenges academic libraries faced in Ghana with particular reference to the Joshua Alabi Library of the University of Professional Studies, Accra and the Richard McMillan Library of the Ghana Institute of Journalism. A total of 297 respondents were sampled for the study. The sample was made of 276 graduate students who were conveniently selected, 15 librarians and 6 library security personnel who were selected through the census sampling technique. The mixed method approach was adopted for the study. A validated questionnaire and an interview guide were designed and administered to collect data for the study. The data collected was analysed using frequency counts and percentages and content thematic analysis. The findings revealed that both libraries experienced some level of unacceptable behaviour as a result of inadequate library security personnel and inadequate library facilities such as discussion rooms. Unlike the Joshua Alabi Library where electrical and Internet cables were buried in trunks, it was observed at the Richard McMillan Library that cables laid bare. Furthermore, the study revealed that printed informational resources, facilities and human resources of the libraries were vulnerable to security breaches. Again, the study found that both libraries supplemented library patrols with electronic security systems to prevent, deter and detect unacceptable behaviour in the library. It was also revealed that library staff played varied roles to protect and prolong the lifespan of library resources placed in their care. Based on the findings, it is recommended that academic libraries should give prompt attention to security issues in the library and invest in electronic security systems in this era of increasing student populations.Item The Practice of Cataloguing and Classification in Academic Libraries: A Comparative Study of University of Ghana, University of Education, Winneba and University of Cape Coast Libraries.(University Of Ghana, 2018-07) Yeboah, E.B.The ever growing collection of information resources that has come to be associated with academic libraries has made the organization of these collections in academic libraries a crucial need. The prevalence of the practice of cataloguing and classification in academic libraries has been ascribed to the need to fulfill this fundamental need. This study sets out to investigate the practice of cataloguing and classification as it pertains in three academic libraries in Ghana with the objectives of identifying the role of this practice, assessing the level of investment in the practice as well as reveal the nature of the practice. This comparative case study, guided by the Knowledge Management Process Model, engaged thirty-one respondents involved in the practice at both the policy and operational levels through a semi structured interview, as well as an examination of policy documents and websites hosting the respective online catalogues. The study revealed among others that a predominantly online cataloguing practice is prevalent but with a relatively low investment in the practice. It was also apparent from the study that personnel of the cataloguing outfits were thoroughly aware of the role they played in the value chain of the academic library. It was again revealed that the myriad of challenges faced by the practice in the cases under review had financial connotations. The study recommends among others, an upward adjustment in the financial allocation to this important practice with the view to mitigating the challenges faced by the practice. Again, it is proffered that the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries In Ghana bring these individual practices together to form a national practice while spearheading the drive towards the adoption of Resource Description and Access as a cataloguing standard.Item Organizational Factors Affecting Information and Communication Technology (Ict) Systems in Academic Libraries, A Case Study of The University Of Ghana, Balme Library.(University of Ghana, 2018-10) Baada, F.N.The study investigated five major organizational factors namely: organizational structure, organizational culture, top management, human resource capabilities and the availability of physical ICT infrastructure, and their implications on the efficient utilization and development of ICT systems at the Balme Library of the University of Ghana, Legon. The aim of studying these organizational factors was to aid in the improvement of ICT to promote efficient delivery of information services in academic libraries in Ghana. Based on a cross-sectional survey methodology under the quantitative approach, data was collected from 70 selected library staff across sections of the University of Ghana, Balme Library whose line of duties involved the use of ICT. A census sampling technique was adopted for data collection. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to analyze data that were collected via questionnaires, and complimented through observations. The major findings of the study were that, there was a mutual influence between the organizational culture and organizational structure of the Balme Library. Moreover, limited internet bandwidth, obsolete software and inadequate technical support were deemed infrastructural challenges facing the library. Similarly, the lack of comprehensive human resource development was considered a major hindrance, as most participants advocated for more training given their dynamic technological environment. In view of these challenges, the study proposes a more flexible organizational structure and an innovative culture to suit the dynamism of the academic library environment. The study further proposes increased financial investments in internet connectivity, software, and ICT technical support staff. Finally, the study advocates for further training of library staff to equip them with the relevant ICT skills.Item Organizational Culture in Academic Libraries in Ghana(University Of Ghana, 2018-05) Amponsah , V.Academic libraries have been in existence for many years and formed their own peculiar cultures in dynamic environments. The objectives and goals of the parent institution under which an academic library serves determines the library’s purpose and function. Academic libraries operate in ways that are largely influenced by their prevailing cultures. Within these cultures are beliefs, values and norms that guide how employees and management behave and do things which lead to attainment of goals and objectives in the libraries. The main objectives of this study of organizational culture in academic libraries in Ghana are to investigate the level of autonomy in university libraries, the type of organizational structure that exist, how supportive supervisors are toward subordinates, the degree to which members of the library share the same values, beliefs and norms, the relationship between organizational performance and reward system, effect of internal conflicts on staff morale and productivity and the extent to which staff are encouraged to take risk and be innovative. The study employed the survey methodology, and the main data collection instrument was a questionnaire administered to library staff in the Balme and Prempeh II libraries at the University of Ghana and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. The data was analyzed descriptively by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Two hundred and ten (210) copies of the questionnaire were administered, and out of that, one hundred and seventeen (117) were returned, thus giving a response rate of 55.71%. The findings showed that library staff in Balme and Prempeh II libraries at the University of Ghana and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology have freedom to perform their duties without any strict supervision; supervisors foster an organizational culture that promotes learning and creativity among subordinates; some decisions are solely taken by supervisors; values, beliefs and norms are not well communicated to staff; supervisors encourage team work among subordinates; library staff in UG receive regular performance reviews than library staff in KNUST; and unproductive staff are queried while productive staff are commended for good performance. It is recommended that regular performance reviews must be conducted in the libraries as well as communicating values to library staff to know what must be done and how to behave at the workplace.Item A Comparative Study Of Collection Management Practices Of University Of Cape Coast and University Of Education, Winneba Libraries, Ghana.(University Of Ghana, 2015-07) Filson, C.K.The study focused on the collection management practices of two academic libraries in Ghana. Both academic institutions are in the Central Region of Ghana and were basically established by the Government of Ghana to train graduate professional teachers for basic and second-cycle schools. The survey method was used to look at the tasks undertaken by library staff to ensure that the intellectual resources of the library are made available to the library patrons. The respondents consisted of; 14 library staff, 117 lecturers and 491 students of the institutions. The technique used for the study was purposive sampling for library staff and convenience sampling for the users of the library. The major findings were that professional librarians and para-professionals were inadequate in as there were only 24%. Few users of the library were involved in the selection process of library materials. Both libraries depended much on donation and purchasing as the major methods of acquisition. Information materials in both libraries were inadequate. Both libraries did not have collection management policy. The two libraries taught information literacy skills as way of promoting the usage of the library. They were both members of the Library Consortium in Ghana. And finally both libraries did not have adequate funding for efficient library services. With the exception of funding, feasible and attainable recommendations were stated of which library managers could adopt for efficient management of the libraries.Item Accessibility and Utilization of Scholarly Electronic Journals by the Academic Staff of Garden City University College, Kumasi and Christian Service University College, Kumasi, Ghana(University of Ghana, 2015-07) Boakye, E.; Alemna, A.A.; Ankrah, E.; University of Ghana, College of Education, School of Information and Communication Studies, Department of Information StudiesDevelopments in the field of information technology have led to a great change in the collection development and service structure of libraries. In recent times, libraries, especially academic libraries, are not only seen with print and non-print resources but also with scholarly electronic journals. Scholarly electronic journals in reality have become one of the most used technological innovations in modern times and also the backbone of many academic institutions. The main focus of the study was to compare awareness, accessibility and utilization of scholarly electronic journals by the academic staff of Garden City University College (GCUC) and Christian Service University College (CSUC), Kumasi. The study also sought to determine factors affecting electronic journal usage and limitations in accessing and using scholarly electronic journals. The survey method was used and questionnaire was also used as the main instrument. The entire population of one hundred and eighty-seven (187) was used. The findings revealed low awareness and accessibility levels as well as under-utilization of scholarly electronic journals in both university colleges. No statistically significant relationship was found between gender and usage of scholarly electronic journals at a p-value of 0.354 which is greater than the significant level of 0.05. No statistically significant relationship was found between age and usage of scholarly electronic journals at a p-value of 7.159 which is greater than the significant level of 0.05. No statistically significant relationship was found between other factors including differences in discipline, educational level, computer skills and age at a p-value of 7.159, 5.308, and 0.504 respectively which are all greater than the significant level of 0.05. However, a statistically significant relationship was found between awareness and usage of electronic journals. The study recommends awareness creation, training, provision of more relevant electronic journals, infrastructure, quality staff and sustenance to ensure maximum access and use of scholarly electronic journals in GCUC and CSUC and also to commensurate the investment made in them.