Department of Computer Science


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    Issues in mobile learning in Ghana
    (Innovative Techniques in Instruction Technology, E-Learning, E-Assessment, and Education, 2008) Millham, R.
    Ghana, a sub-Saharan country, faces a crisis in trying to keep its population in step with a technologically-changing world. With limited funding, a dispersed population, and a shortage of lecturers, the ability to manage lifelong learning, as required by a rapidly-changing technological world, for its populace is difficult. In this research-in-progress paper, we propose distance education, notably mobile learning, as a solution to the need of lifelong learning and to the constraints of the existing educational institutions. We also examine some of the issues surrounding distance education. A survey of Ghanaians as to their preferences for curriculum and training in this area is briefly presented. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008.