Microbial Growth Responses in Fermented Maize Dough Systems
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University of Ghana
Food safety and the occurrence of diarrhoea are a challenge in the management of food
systems in Africa. Infections arising from diarrhoea can be very devastating on the
population, especially children. The traditional fermented maize dough systems have
been identified as being able to reduce considerably the growth of diarrhoeal causing
organisms and improve safety
The study was set up to investigate: 1. The survival of selected diarrhoeal causing
bacteria (Salmonella, Shigella and Escherichia coli) in maize dough fermenting systems
(steeping water, maize dough, Ga kenkey water and maize dough porridge koko) to
determine the safety of the products; 2. The survival of four Escherichia coli strains in
synthetic medium containing lactic and acetic acids; 3. Tolerance of the dominant
yeasts (Candida krusei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae) involved in maize fermentation
for lactic acid. 4. Changes in short-term intracellular pH of single cells of Candida
krusei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the presence of high and low concentrations of
lactic acid to explain their tolerance for lactic acid.
Five Salmonella species, three Shigella species, five pathogenic Escherichia coli strains
and two non-pathogenic strains were inoculated into fermented maize dough systems at
a concentration of 106 - 107 cfu/ml at 28 °C. Viable cells were recovered on selective
and non-selective media. Almost all the bacteria survived in maize steeping water for
48 h without reduction in numbers. All the salmonellae and shigellae and two E. coli
strains were completely inhibited in fermenting maize dough after 48 hours whilst three
E. coli strains (026 (VTEC), 0157 (VTEC II) and 03 EAggEC) survived for 48 h but
were significantly reduced by more than 3 log units. None of the Salmonella strains
survived in koko for 24 h but Sh. flexneri 2a II and four pathogenic E. coli strains
(0157 (VTEC II), 026 (VTEC), 03 (EAggEC), 0111 (EPEC)) and one laboratory
strain E. coli K12, survived in koko for 48 h with less than 2 log reductions. All the
bacteria were completely inhibited in kenkey water after 24 h. The decrease in
populations of the bacteria in the different fermentation systems was observed at pH of
< 4.
Greater numbers of survivors were recovered with non-selective medium than with a
selective medium for Gram-negative bacteria.
In Trypticase Soy Broth Yeast Extract (TSBYE) supplemented with lactic and acetic
acids in concentrations found in fermented maize dough systems, E. coli strains 0111
(EPEC), 03 (EAggEC), K12 and M23 were inhibited to various extents.
Concentrations of 31 - 62 mM, undissociated lactic acid had only a bacteriostatic effect
on the four pathogens, while above 62 mM, a bactericidal effect was noted after 24 h.
Concentrations of > 17 - 33 mM undissociated acetic acid were required to completely
inhibit the four E. coli strains. These results confirm that fermented maize dough
systems have antimicrobial properties which may inhibit the survival of some
pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. The extent of inhibition varied among the
species investigated, namely Salmonella, Shigella and Escherichia coli; and also among
the maize dough systems. The presence of lactic acid at low pH was found to be the
main anti-microbial property of the fermented maize dough systems.
The influence of different lactic acid concentrations (0.2, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2% V/V),
within a pH range of 3.5 to 4.2 on the survival kinetics of E. coli 0111: H2 (EPEC)
was determined in TSBYE at 30 °C. Survival data were analysed and fitted with the
model of Peleg and Cole (1998). The model parameters b and n were estimated and
used to calculate the time to one log decrease in bacterial population. The model of
Peleg and Cole gave a good description of the survival of E. coli under the
experimental conditions tested. A strong correlation of the time to one log reduction
in bacterial numbers with the undissociated lactic acid concentration was
Also using the Number Cruncher Statistical Sytems (NCSS), a multiple regression
analysis was performed on the data and a model was obtained which relates the death
rate (time to one log reduction) to the lactic acid concentration and pH. The proposed
model for the death rate of E. coli 0111 (EPEC) in response to pH and total lactic acid
concentration in TSBYE provided a good description of the data. Except for the low
pH of 3.5 and 1.2% lactic acid, where the model predicted a negative value for the
death rate, all other predicted values were in agreement with actual values obtained in
the broth studies.
Growth responses of two strains each of Candida krusei and Saccharomyces
cerevisiae singly and as mixed cultures were determined in MYGP broth, pH 2.5 and
pH 3.5 with or without lactic acid at 30 °C. At pH 2.5, in the presence of 106.4 mM
undissociated lactic acid, C. krusei strains grew within 48 h from 4.0 log10 cfu/ ml to
7.0 logio cfu/ ml irrespective of whether cultured singly or combined as mixed
cultures with either strain of Sacch. cerevisiae. But Sacch. cerevisiae strains did not
grow when cultured individually in combination with either strain of the two C.
krusei investigated. When the Sacch. cerevisiae strains were cultured individually as
single cultures only one grew at pH 2.5 in the presence of 106.4 mM undissociated
lactic acid. At pH 3.5, irrespective of the presence or absence of 77 mM lactic acid,
C. krusei 29 grew from 4.0 logio cfu/ml to about 8.0 logio cfu/ml whether cultured
singly or in combination with either strain of Sacch. cerevisiae. In contrast, both
strains of Sacch. cerevisiae showed good growth as single cultures but reduced
growth when cultured with C. krusei as mixed cultures and the reduced growth was
greater in the presence of lactic acid. These results indicate that C. krusei is more
tolerant to lactic acid at low pH than Sacch. cerevisiae.
To explain the differences in lactic acid tolerance of the two yeast species,
fluorescence-ratio-imaging microscopy and a perfusion system were used to
determine the short-term intracellular pH (pH,) changes in single cells of C. krusei
and S. cerevisiae. The changes were investigated both in the presence of low (20.7
mM) and high (106.4 mM) concentrations of undissociated lactic acid. For both the
investigated species 20.7 mM undissociated lactic acid did not seem to influence the
initial pH; which for C. krusei was found to be approx. 8.0 and for S. cerevisiae 6.9-
7.5. For both C. krusei strains, perfusion with 106.4 mM undissociated lactic acid
induced only weak short-term pH responses with a decrease in pH of less than one
pH unit. Contrary for both strains of Sacch. cerevisiae, perfusion with 106.4 mM
undissociated lactic acid resulted in a significant decrease in pH from initially 6.9 –
7.5 to 6.2 - 6.4 after 1 min and further to a pH, of < 5.5 after 3 min after which it
remained constant. The results obtained show that C. krusei is more resistant to short-term
pHj changes caused by lactic acid than S. cerevisiae, and this, in turn, may
explian why C. krusei is more tolerant to lactic acid than S. cerevisiae.
Thesis (PhD) - University of Ghana, 2004