Assessing Factors Influencing Nurses’ Adherence To Standard Precautions Amidst Covid-19 At The Tamale Central Hospital.
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University of Ghana
Background: Globally, it is reported that about half a million HCWs are infected with infectious diseases yearly. Preventing hospital-acquired illnesses and protecting patients and other healthcare personnel requires standard precautions. Breaking the cycle of infections, especially between health care staff and their patients, requires a high degree of knowledge, attitude, and adherence to conventional procedures. Information on the factors influencing HCW adherence to standard precautions at the Tamale Central Hospital is rare and hence increasing the risk of nosocomial infection among HCW and patients. The study aimed at assessing factors influencing nurses’ adherence to standard precautions at the Tamale Central Hospital.
Methods: This study was a descriptive study design using a quantitative method to gather data involving 140 participants. A simple random sampling technique was applied for the selection of study participants using Stat Trek’s random number generator. Using a structured questionnaire, socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge level on standard precautions, adherence to standard precautions, individual level factors that influence nurses' adherence to standard precautions, and questions in relation to availability of infection prevention and control resources, training, and monitoring were obtained from respondents. STATA software version
16.0 was used to perform the analysis. Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact used to determine the association between adherence to standard precautions and socio-demographic characteristics, individual level factors, and health system related factors. Simple logistic regression analysis reporting odds ratio was used to determine the strength of the association. Variables that were statistically significant at the bivariate analysis level were selected and placed into a multiple logistic regression analysis model for statistical significance (p-value < 0.05).
Results: Majority 117 (83.6%) of nurses had good knowledge on standard precautions as they were able to correctly answer ≥ 80% of questions that assessed knowledge on standard precautions. Overall, nurses who were adherent to standard precautions were low (45.7%). Results of a multiple logistic regression analysis conducted on 6 variables that were statistically significant at 95% CI and P value < 0.05 at the bivariate level of analysis revealed only 2 were statistically significant and had an association with adherence to standard precautions. These variables include; receipt of motivation for sincere report and availability of clean water.
Conclusion: The study concludes that nurses in the study area had a very good knowledge on standard precaution. Also, the study concludes that, overall, nurses’ adherence to standard precautions was low. The study recommends that nurses and other health professionals should have access to the resources they need to practice standard precautions in accordance with IPC policy guidelines, which should be provided by hospital management.
MSc. In Occupational Hygiene
Precautions, Nurses, Covid-19, Assessing