Stakeholder Involvement in Promoting Sustainable Farming Practices in Chereponi, in the North-East Region of Ghana.
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University of Ghana
Sustainable farming practices involve methods and techniques that prioritize environmental protection, economic viability, and social equity. To promote and implement sustainable farming practices, it is essential to involve stakeholders who have a vested interest in the farming community. This study examined how stakeholders’ involvement promote sustainable farming practices in Chereponi (10.138012598017568, 0.29017181227194494). The study sought to investigate the level of stakeholder knowledge and perceptions about sustainable farming practices, farmers’ reasons for adopting sustainable farming practices and the barriers that hindered their adoption of sustainable farming practices. The theory of planned behaviour and the conceptualized model of Dessart were employed as the theoretical frameworks underpinning the study. The mixed method research design was used in this study. The main instrument used for quantitative data collection was structured questionnaire. A sample size of 155 using Slovin’s sample size formula was chosen for the quantitative data. Qualitative data was collected through focus group discussions. The results revealed that stakeholders have relatively high level of knowledge and positive perception of sustainable farming practices. Majority of the respondents in the survey agreed that sustainable farming practices increase crop yields, farm incomes, and farmers’ reputation in the community. Other stakeholders such as NGOs and agricultural extension officers also shared similar sentiments. The study also showed that farmers adopted sustainable farming practices based on personal choices, advice from other farmers, and advice from NGOs and extension officers. However, obstacles such as perceived risks of crop failure, costs, and technical difficulties as well as lack of government support, hindered adoption. The study concluded that stakeholder involvement is crucial for promoting sustainable farming practices in Chereponi. Positive perception and collaboration between stakeholders, especially government and NGOs, can ensure successful implementation of sustainable farming practices. The study recommended that the Ministry of Food and Agriculture implements policies that provide support for farmers through subsidized equipment and farm inputs. This can increase the number of farmers adopting sustainable farming practices. Additionally, policies encouraging banks to offer loans with favourable payment structures should be considered.
MPhil. Sustainability Science
Stakeholder Involvement, Sustainable Farming Practices, Chereponi, Ghana