The Role of Cultural Heterogeneity in Strengthening the Link Between Family Relationships and Life Satisfaction in 50 Societies
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Journal of Happiness Studies
We argue that the importance of family relationships for individual well-being varies
across societies as a function of a society’s degree of cultural heterogeneity. To examine
the role of family relationships, we analyzed the responses from 13,009 participants in 50
societies on their life satisfaction across societies varying in their levels of historical and
contemporary cultural heterogeneity. Such heterogeneity creates differences in the frequency of interacting with unfamiliar groups, which leads families to become more central to their members’ satisfaction with life. Multi-level analyses showed that historical
and contemporary cultural heterogeneity moderated the pattern such that greater historical or contemporary cultural heterogeneity of society promoted a stronger positive relation
between family relationship satisfaction and individual life satisfaction. Our results also
revealed that the moderating role of historical cultural heterogeneity was more reliable than
that of contemporary cultural heterogeneity. These findings demonstrate the importance
of societal demography in shaping people’s psychological processes in different historical
periods, suggesting a universal, trans-historical cultural process.
Research Article
Life satisfaction