Advisory Commission on the Review of the Constitution of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
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Her Majesty's Stationery Office
We were appointed by the Governments of the United Kingdom, the
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Southern Rhodesia, Northern
Rhodesia and Nyasaland with the following terms of reference:-
" To survey developments since Federation was inaugurated in 1953,
in the economic, political and social spheres and, where possible and
appropriate, to make suggestions and analyse the arguments for and
against constitutional changes which may he desirable and practicable ",
2, We have discharged the first half of this task in our first Report, the
"Survey of Developments since 1953 ", which was prepared in Salisbury
in September- October 1959. This second Report, which summarises the
results of discussions in London in November- December 1959, is devoted to
an examination of suggestions for certain possible cbanges in the Federal
Constitution and to an analysis of the main arguments for and against
such changes.
3. Our terms of reference do not require us to make recommendations
or to indicate any order of preference among the various constitutional adjustments
which we have considered. We have therefore confined ourselves to
an objective survey of a number of important modifications which may be
thought to be possible and desirable within the general ambit of the Federal
Constitution. We should perhaps emphasise, at the outset, that:-
(a) In considering both the existing constitutional arrangements and
possible changes in them we have restricted our examination to
elements within the basic structure of the Constitution. In particular,
our terms of reference do not extend to matters which are regulated
by individual Acts of the Federal Legislature. except in so far as they
amend the Constitution.
(b) We have naturally not concerned ourselves with the political implications
either of the existing Constitution or of the possible
modifications of it which we have analysed in this Report. We must
emphasise. therefore. that we arc not to be taken as in any way
purporting to endorse any of the suggestions discussed in the later
chapters of this Report, still less to evaluate their political validity.
Review, Constitution, Commission, Rhodesia