Despatches relating to Colonial Veterinary Services.
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Government Printer, Accra, Gold Coast.
With reference to my Circular despatch of the 26th January, 1929, I have the honour to inform you that I have now considered the recommendations of the Committee which I appointed to enquire into the question of the organisation and efficiency of the Colonial Veterinary Services. The Committee preface their Report (Cmd. 3261) with an introduction in which they urge the importance of veterinary activities in the Colonial Empire and the need for strengthening the Colonial Veterinary Services and improving the standard of recruitment for them.
They state their conviction that the Services should be made more attractive, particularly by the provision of higher salaries in .the senior grades and by an improvement in the status and prestige of Veterinary Departments, but they recognise that almost equally important is the provision of better training facilities in this country, and they refer especially to the condition of the Royal Veterinary College at Camden Town.
Colonial, Veterinary services, Gold Coast