Researching the sensitive issues - Identity in relation to one's sexuality
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University of Ghana
Societies have different ideas about who we are and how we should
express ourselves. These ideas are translated into the norms and
values of the society and affect people's sense of id entity. Due to the
cultural setting, some aspects of the Ghanaian's life that are paramount to identity construction including sexual preferences, sexual
orientation, and fertility are sensitive areas that are rarely discussed.
As such, it is very difficult researching into these areas. This pa per
therefore looks at the theories that underlie researching into these
sensitive areas, the methods used in collecting data, and the ethical
protocols that undergird them from an African perspective. The paper
ends on a reflective note as it deals with our experiences researching
these areas using urban Ghanaian samples
School of social sciences colloquium
researching, norms, cultural setting, collecting data