What is the assurance that Liberia is safe? Factors motivating Liberian refugees to remain in Ghana
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University of Ghana
Despite the currently peaceful state of Liberia, several thousands of
Liberian refugees still remain in Ghana. This raises concern for
debates and dialogue about what peace or political stability means to a
refugee after civil war. This study therefore explored factors motivating Liberian refugees to remain in Ghana. Using a qualitative research
design, 40 participants (females and males) were purposively
recruited at a Refugee Camp in Ghana. Four focus group discussions
(FGDs) and sixteen in-depth interviews (IDIs) were conducted. The
FGDs and IDIs were audio-taped, transcribed, coded and analyzed
thematically based on the objectives of the study. The findings
revealed that the motivating factors related to: insecurity in Liberia,
infrastructural challenges and unfavorable socioeconomic situation in
Liberia, and resettlement opportunities in Ghana. Based on the
findings of the study, implications are discussed for policy and social
work practice
School of social sciences colloquium
Four focus group discussions (FGDs), in-depth interviews (IDIs), implications, Liberia, Ghana