African Traders in Kumasi
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Economic Research Division University College of Ghana 1959
This study is a part of work in progress, but since much of the material §Pes out of date fairly rapidly, it has been thought worthwhile to ~publish in its present form. (A few copies of the first part (since slightly amended) were distributed privately last year). Whatever faults remain, this study owes a very great deal to many people, from the business men who supplied the original information, to University colleagues and busines men, both African and European, who criticized earlier drafts of the material. Especially great is the debt to Dr. and Mrs. Barbu Niculescu and Professor John W. Williams. A continuation of this study has been made possible by a generous grant from the Ford Foundation. The dedication is to African business men in Kumasi, with the hope for their development and prosperity
Folio Collection
Traders, African Business, Ghana