Analyse Des Stratégies De Communication Orale Des Futurs Enseignants En Classe De Fle A L’école Normale Supérieure De Somanya Au Ghana


This work aims to analyze the oral communication strategies that Ghanaian learners of French implement to overcome their difficulties in communication situations in French classes. The objective of this work is to study and analyze the main oral communication strategies deployed by learners of at the Mount Mary College of Education, Somanya. In this perspective, we examined different oral communication strategies used by learners using a mixed approach of data analysis which is both quantitative and qualitative: audiovisual recording and a questionnaire. To complete the questionnaire, 77 students including 53 women and 24 men volunteered. Regarding the audiovisual recording we called on volunteers and 38 students: 13 men and 25 women were recorded from a tablet. Analysis of the data revealed that the oral communication strategies used by learners of French are: message abandonment, explanation, foreignising, repetition, word-for-word translation. The results obtained serve as a basis for future theoretical reflections and as a guide for the identification of oral communication strategies in French class.


Research Article


strategy, Strategies of communication, oral, FFL
