Privacy Issues in Libraries with Online Services: Attitudes and Concerns of Academic Librarians and University Students in Ghana
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College & Research Libraries
This study surveyed librarians’ and students’ attitudes, perceptions, and concerns about
privacy in Ghanaian universities to seek a better alignment of their
perspectives in the online library context. The study adapted and applied the instrument developed by Zimmer that assessed the attitudes and practices of librarians in the
United States on privacy rights and protecting patrons’ privacy in the library.1
the study found that, between librarians and students in Ghanaian universities, there was
a need for greater control over their data and a need for ethical responsibility on the part of data-collecting online library agents; both groups expressed dislike
for state censorship and corporate monopoly over their data. However,
despite their positive attitude about the strong role of librarians in guaranteeing
their data, a significant number of them demonstrate little faith in library means to actualize the protection of their data. Finally, privacy attitudes and
concerns of academic librarians were noted to align with those of university students
in Ghana. Among others, it was recommended that Ghanaian academic librarians
integrate privacy education and awareness creation in their universities, emphasizing
the need to make informed online decisions and exposing the potential repercussions
of their decisions while using online libraries and digital resources.
Research Article
Libraries, Online Services, Ghana