The Africa Food Environment Research Network (FERN): from concept to practice
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Global Health Promotion
Background: Africa is contending with unhealthy food environments that are, in part, driving
increasing rates of overweight, obesity, and diet-related non-communicable diseases, alongside
persistent undernutrition. This current paradigm requires expanded efforts – both in the volume and
nature of empirical research, as well as the tools and capacity of those who conduct it. High-quality
and context-relevant research supports the development and implementation of policies that create
healthy food environments.
Aim and approach: This paper sets out the concept of the Africa Food Environment Research Network
(FERN) initiative recently established by the Measurement, Evaluation, Accountability, and Leadership
Support for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) (MEALS4NCDs) prevention project. Central to the
Africa FERN initiatives are: 1) building research capacity for innovative food environment research in
Africa; 2) improving South-South, and South-North partnerships to stimulate a robust food environment
research and monitoring in Africa and 3) sustaining dialogue and focusing priorities on current and
future needs for enhanced food environment research and monitoring in Africa.
Conclusion: The FERN initiative presents an opportune platform for researchers in Africa and the
global North to weave the threads of experience and expertise for research capacity building,
collaboration and advocacy, to advance food environment research.
Research Article
Africa, food environment, food systems, capacity building, obesity, non-communicable diseases, nutrition policy