Papers on the subject of the Accra Sisal Plantation in continuation of Sessional Paper No. IX 1922 – 1923.
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Government Printer, Accra, Gold Coast
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 874 of the 21st of December, forwarding copies of the Report of a Committee appointed to enquire into the working of the Sisal Plantation at Accra. At the time that this project was originally conceived you anticipated a profit of at least £ 15 10s. 0d. on each ton of sisal produced. This estimate was based upon a price of between £35 and £40 a ton at the port of export, representing approximately £65 a ton in England. The price, however, of sisal has dropped since that date to an average of about £25 a ton at the present time. At this price the Committee estimates that the annual profits of the plantation will amount to a maximum of about £5,500 a year, in which event the capital expenditure of £35,000 which will, according to the estimate, be required before the plantation is in full bearing, be paid off in about seven years.
Sisal Plantation, Gold Coast, Accra Sisal Plantation