In vitro and in silico anti-malarial activity and cytotoxicity of n-hexyl 1-O-rutinoside (a glycoside) isolated from Annickia polycarpa (DC.) Setten and Maas ex I.M. Turner (Annonaceae)
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Journal of Ethnopharmacology
Ethnopharmacological relevance: Annickia polycarpa leaf is an effective anti-malarial agent. However, its chemical
constituents have not been isolated and assayed against any pathogen.
Aim of the study: To isolate and characterize anti-malarial compound(s) from the leaf of A. polycarpa.
Materials and methods: Bioassay-guided fractionation was employed to isolated the compound (AL1) from the
chloroform fraction (ALCF) of the basified ethanol extract of A. polycarpa leaf (ALE). AL1 was characterized by
LC-MS, 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic analysis. Anti-malarial activity was evaluated against drug resistance Dd2
and drug sensitive 3D7 Plasmodium falciparum strains using the SYBR green assay. Cytotoxicity and mechanistic
studies were determined using tetrazolium-based colorimetric assay and molecular docking respectively.
Results: AL1 was characterized as n-hexyl 1-O-rutinoside. The IC50 values of ALE and ALCF against 3D7 and Dd2
P. falciparum strains ranges from 3.441 (0.3389) - 4.255 (0.2246) μg/mL. The IC50s obtained for n-hexyl 1-O-ruti noside and Artesunate (standard drug) were 7.71 (0.5473) and 0.001 (0.00008) nM against the 3D7 parasite
strain respectively. Also, the efficacy of n-hexyl 1-O-rutinoside increased by 24.40% against the chloroquine
resistance Dd2 P. falciparum strain whiles that of Artesunate decreased by 98.96%. Furthermore, ALE, ALCF and
n-hexyl 1-O-rutinoside were weakly cytotoxic to human RBCs with high selectivity indices. N-hexyl 1-O-rutino side inhibits P. falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (PfCRT) and dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate
synthase (PfDHFR-TS) better than chloroquine and pyrimethamine respectively. But, produced similar inhibi tion of P. falciparum 2-trans-enoyl -ACP-reductase (PfERN) as triclosan.
Conclusion: These results show that A. polycarpa leaf and n-hexyl 1-O-rutinoside possessed profound anti-malarial
activity and are not cytotoxic. N-hexyl 1-O-rutinoside could therefore, be developed into a new anti-malarial
medicine. This is the first study to report the anti-malarial activity of n-hexyl 1-O-rutinoside and its isolation
from the genus Annickia.
Research Article
Malaria, Cytotoxicity, Molecular docking, Chloroquine resistance transporter