The Effects of Out-Migration on Fishing Households: A Case Study of Ningo-Prampram District, Ghana
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University of Ghana
Out-migration and fishing nexus is an age-old phenomenon and this relationship has a long historical antecedence among coastal fishing communities around the world. However, there is a dearth of literature with regard to out-migration effects on fishing households and their related activities. The objectives of the study are to examine the effects of out-migration on fishing households in the Ningo-Prampram district. The research design that was adopted for the study was mixed methods. The sample size was made up of 271 migrant fishing households, selected through a systematic sampling technique. Instruments used for the study were semi-structured questionnaires, in-depth interview guides and focus group discussions. The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 and the qualitative through the use of thematic analysis. The results show that a little over three-fifth (60%) of the migrant fishing household mentioned that migration decision making process rest on both the individual and the household and this is consistent with the views of the NELM and push-pull perspective which posited that individuals and household make costs and benefits analysis of the conditions available at the destination areas and the origin areas before selecting a household member to migrate. Also, the findings of the study indicate that an overwhelming majority of the households asserted that they maintain contact with their out-migrants, while close to two-fifth (39.9) espoused that migrants maintain contact with their households through visits, even though there is an advancement in telecommunication. The results of the study reveal that receipts of remittances by the households improved the standard of living of household members. It again shows that a significant proportion of the households attributed labour lost as a cause for out-migration. It was concluded that out-migration has a positive and successful outcome on the migrant fishing household if households assets are well managed due to uncertainty in household economic activities and vice versa Recommendations are made for state agencies to maximize the benefits that come with out-migration and minimize the cost associated with out-migration.
MPhil. Migration Studies.
Out-migration, Migration, Remittances Nexus, Community Development, Ningo-Prampram District