Childless Women and Women with Children: An Analysis of Determinants of Fertility in Ghana
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University of Ghana
Childlessness is a rising social problem. Women who are affected by the experience of childlessness are increasing intensely in recent times and the numbers might continue to increase. Despite the growing need, the occurrence of childlessness has been greatly overlooked by demographers. The contemporary understanding of childlessness is too narrow and has been defined wholly as a medical condition. The demographic perspectives are not adequately addressed within such medical context.
A research from the demographic perspective is required to advance current understanding of childlessness within this broader view. It would also encompass affected population inadequately probed until now. The study was conducted among a sample population of 6,127 married women aged 15-49 from the Ghana Maternal Health Survey, 2007 basically to describe the socio demographic characteristics of childlessness in Ghana and also to assess the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on childlessness in Ghana. The study showed some socio-demographic characteristics like the age of a woman, level of education, place of residence and ever use of contraceptives as very significant in determining the fertility of a woman. On the basis of the findings of this study, I recommend that there should be more flexible reproductive health policies especially on abortions so that women who are faced with unwanted pregnancies would be able to solicit help from professionals. A deeper understanding of childlessness in contemporary society can guide public policies and control directions for operative maternal and reproductive health needs.
Thesis (M. A.) - University of Ghana, 2013