The New Legon Observer
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A Ghana Society for Development Dialogue
In the last couple of years, one issue that has consistently engaged the attention of many African economists and a number of development NGOs has been the issue of whether African countries should enter into Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the European Union (EU) or not. Charles Ackah's article in this issue of the New Legan Observer at page 8 explains very clearly how EPAs are constructed and what they are intended to achieve. In very simple terms, the European Union would like to agree with blocs of countries to provide duty-free access to each other's markets for a wide range of goods and services over a period of time. This is what they refer to as reciprocity. The EU argues that it is the most assured way of bringing economic development to Africa, as it provides an opportunity for countnes to trade their way out of poverty faster.
Legon, Observer, New