Birth preparedness and complications readiness among women in disadvantaged rural districts of Ghana
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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Introduction Essentially all women and babies irrespective of their economic and social status should reach their
full potential for health and well-being. The study assessed the readiness of mothers and their preparedness for birth
across three disadvantaged rural districts in Ghana.
Methods A multi-centre quantitative survey from January to December 2018 using a multistage sampling approach
was employed. Using a structured questionnaire data from mothers attending antenatal and postnatal clinics
in three main ecological zones of Ghana were collected. Women who provided informed consent were consecutively
recruited until the sample size was achieved. For categorical data, summary tables, proportions and percentage are
presented. Multivariate logistic regression analysis determined the efect of selected characteristics on birth prepared‑
ness. Ethics approval was obtained from the Navrongo Health Research Centre.
Results A total of 1058 mothers were enrolled: 33.6%, 33.4% and 33.0% respectively from the Ada west, Upper Den‑
kyira west and Builsa south districts. About 94% of the women had prior knowledge of birth preparedness. Approxi‑
mately 22.6% (95%CI 20.1, 25. 2) of the mothers were assessed to have poor birth preparedness: 8.0% in Builsa south,
27.8% in Ada west and 31.7% in Upper Denkyira west. Prenatal and postnatal data showed no statistically signifcant
diference in poor preparedness (21.9% vs 23.3%; p-value>0.05). Maternal age, employment status, religious afli‑
ation and parity were not associated with birth preparedness (p-value>0.05). Area of study (P<0.001), educational
level (P<0.016), marital status (p<0.001) and antenatal contacts (<0.001) were signifcantly associated with birth
Conclusions As an important safe motherhood strategy woman should plan their pregnancy and birth well
to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality. Policy initiatives should take into consideration area of residence, educa‑
tion, marital status and antenatal contacts of women.
Research Article
Birth preparedness, Complication readiness, Rural districts, No hospitals, Ghana