Radiological Safety Assessment of the Ghana Research Reactor-1 at Shutdown using Atmospheric Dispersion Model
A radiological safety assessment of the GHARR-1 was evaluated by calculating approximately the
TEDE of radionuclides release from the reactor at shutdown using atmospheric dispersion model
before the commencement of the core conversion from HEU to LEU fuel. A condition essentially
needed for safety and environmental impact assessment to obtain the core conversion (removal)
program license. In doing so, a source term estimation and radiological safety assessment
were initially performed. Radionuclide inventory of the HEU core was first determined by
depleting the core using isotope depletion code ORIGEN-S. After the source term estimation and
radiological safety assessment of the MNSR, atmospheric dispersion modeling was undertaken
for a hypothetical severe accident scenario of the HEU core. Addressing the hypothetical
accident scenario. Hotspot code which is based on Gaussians plume model was employed. The
code was used to simulate the atmospheric dispersion of the released radionuclide and TEDE
estimation as a function of distance downwind. The assumed methodological analysis was based
on predominant site-specific meteorological condition statistics and dispersion modeling theories.
Some radionuclides which are assumed to have health implications were selected among the
estimated core inventories and doses estimated. Radiological health effect to on-site personnel and
the public were assessed through dose estimation. The maximum TEDE was found to be 1.9E-01
mSv while the maximum ground deposition was also found to be 4.9E+00 kBq/m2at a distance
of 200m, respectively. The values obtained were far far less than the regulatory recommended
threshold of the 50 mSv for the on-site workers and 1mSv for the public.
Thesis (Mphil)-University of Ghana, 2016