Urban Sanctuary and Solidarity in a Global Context: How Does Africa Contribute to the Debate?

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Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA)


As national governments and supranational institutions fail to cope with international migration and refugee movements, many cities in the Global North are asserting stronger roles in protecting and including vulnerable international migrants and refugees. Various labels, such as sanctuary city, solidarity city, and city of refuge describe corresponding municipal policies and practices. However, literature that connects such labels to urban policies and practices in the Global South is sparse. I review the English language literature to assess whether the concepts of urban sanctuary and solidarity are applicable in Africa, or whether they represent inherently Eurocentric or Western concepts of little relevance to cities in Africa. The review indicates that there may be some similarities between cities in Africa and the Global North, but that the differences are fundamental and challenge the universality of the concepts of urban sanctuary and solidarity.



Sanctuary cities, Solidarity cities, International migrants, Refugees, Africa


MIASA Working Paper 2019(1). Harald Bauder. 2019. Urban Sanctuary and Solidarity in a Global Context: How Does Africa Contribute to the Debate? Online: hyperlink.