Assessment Of Oral Healthcare Seeking Behavior Among Adults In The Sunyani West Municipality Of Ghana
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University Of Ghana
Background: Quality healthcare plays an integral role in the overall health of society and its importance cannot be overemphasized. However, in most developing countries, there are many shortfalls which hinders comprehensive healthcare delivery and impacts healthcare seeking behaviors of adults. Thus, this study sought to examine the factors that affect oral healthcare seeking behavior of adults between the ages of 18 and 75 in the Sunyani West Municipality, the challenges they face and their general knowledge about oral healthcare.
Methods: The study employed a descriptive cross-sectional study design involving both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. A total of ten (10) communities that have primary healthcare facilities were selected through purposive sampling technique. The study further used a purposive sample of selected community members from the ten communities for individual in-depth interviews.
Results: The study suggests that several factors influence the oral health care seeking behaviour of adults in the Sunyani Municipality. These include the cost of treatment, the proximity from the communities to the health facilities, religious affiliation, level of knowledge as adults who are educated tends to have a better understanding of oral health care more than those who were not. The study also highlighted the systematic challenges hindering access to oral healthcare, including longer waiting hours, inadequate staff and knowledge on oral health.
Conclusion: Individual and health system factors such as level of education, religious affiliations, proximity to health facility and lack of information on oral diseases influenced the oral health care seeking behaviour of adults. There is the need for the Ghana Health Service and other stakeholders in the health sector to intensify oral health education at the community level and address the barriers to access to oral health care.
Sunyani West Municipality, Oral Healthcare, Adults, Behavior