Development of a standard phantom for diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging quality control studies: A review
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Polish Journal of Medical Physics and Engineering
Various materials and compounds have been used in the design of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW MRI) phantoms to mimic biological tissue properties, including diffusion. This review thus provides an overview of the
preparations of the various DW-MRI phantoms available in relation to the limitations and strengths of materials/solutions
used to fill them. The narrative review conducted from relevant databases shows that synthesizing all relevant compounds
from individual liquids, gels, and solutions based on their identified strengths could contribute to the development of a
novel multifunctional DW-MRI phantom. The proposed multifunctional material at varied concentrations, when filled
into a multi-compartment Perspex container of cylindrical or spherical geometry, could serve as a standard DW-MRI
phantom. The standard multifunctional phantom could potentially provide DW-MRI quality control test parameters in
one study session
Research Article
diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging, apparent diffusion coefficient, phantom, quality control