Assessment of the Cholera Surveillance System in the Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipality in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana


Cholera outbreaks in recent time happens in between epidemic phases of dissimilar lengths in Ghana. The endemic nature of cholera in Ghana makes it prudent for the disease to be managed effectively to enhance rapid detection of likely outbreaks. The surveillance system for cholera is vital for the early detection of cases and outbreaks that will facilitate a swift control of likely epidemics. This study assesses the cholera surveillance system of the Ledzokuku-Krowor municipality of Ghana, a highly cholera endemic area to determine whether the system is performing effectively. Specifically, this study describes the public health importance of cholera in the Ledzokuku-Krowor municipality as well as the significance of the surveillance system. It also describes the purpose and operation of the surveillance system in place at Ledzokuku-Krowor municipality and suggest measures to improve cholera surveillance in the municipality. An assessment of the surveillance system was done using the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines for Surveillance System Evaluation. The study reviewed documents of the surveillance system at various levels in the Ledzokuku-krowor municipality. Semi structured questionnaires were used in interviews with surveillance staff at the municipal and health facilities The research revealed that the Cholera surveillance system in place in the Ledzokuku-krowor municipal is considered suitable by the surveillance and health information staff as it can detect any suspected case of cholera and other disease outbreaks. It was also found that the system is acceptable (83%), flexible and representative. Personnel from the Municipal Health Directorate confirmed there is an efficient technique to verify data quality, a development that positively affects the process of disease surveillance. The research concluded that the cholera surveillance system is meeting its objectives. The Cholera surveillance system is useful and can detect cases. The municipal and the facility staff indicated indepth knowledge on case detection, notification and reporting for cholera. The system could perform better with continuous capacity building being effected at all the levels. The data collected, could also be much better and more meaningful if the system has additional specialized health information staff within all the levels to analyze data which could produce more valuable results for planning and policy.



Cholera Surveillance System, Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipality, Greater Accra Region, Ghana, endemic nature of cholera




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