The Evaluation of Information Literacy among Medical Students at the College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana
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Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)
The purpose of this study was to assess the information literacy of medical students at the
University of Ghana. The convenience sampling technique was used to choose 206 respondents
for the study, which yielded a response rate of 93.7 per cent. The study found that the majority
of respondents needed information to acquire new knowledge in a subject area and to write
assignments or project work. Moreover, most respondents rely on books, electronic books, and
journals as their primary sources of knowledge. Furthermore, most respondents stated that they
obtain their information via the internet. Additionally, most responders use the databases
PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar. Again, the majority of respondents are aware of
the concept of plagiarism and will acknowledge the author of a book if they use a piece of it in
their work or study. Last but not least, respondents’ major concerns about information access
were low internet speed, high cost of books and other information materials, and information
overload. Thus, it is strongly recommended among others that the CHS administration
especially the CHS Library should manage and develop their collections in that required and
relevant information sources will be available for students to use in their assignments and
project works
Research Article
information literacy, medical students, plagiarism, universities, University of Ghana