Zoonotic Malaria: Non-Laverania Plasmodium Biology and Invasion Mechanisms
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Malaria, which is caused by Plasmodium parasites through Anopheles mosquito transmission,
remains one of the most life-threatening diseases affecting hundreds of millions of people worldwide
every year. Plasmodium vivax, which accounts for the majority of cases of recurring malaria caused
by the Plasmodium (non-Laverania) subgenus, is an ancient and continuing zoonosis originating
from monkey hosts probably outside Africa. The emergence of other zoonotic malarias (P. knowlesi,
P. cynomolgi, and P. simium) further highlights the seriousness of the disease. The severity of this
epidemic disease is dependent on many factors, including the parasite characteristics, host-parasite
interactions, and the pathology of the infection. Successful infection depends on the ability of
the parasite to invade the host; however, little is known about the parasite invasion biology and
mechanisms. The lack of this information adds to the challenges to malaria control and elimination,
hence enhancing the potential for continuation of this zoonosis. Here, we review the literature
describing the characteristics, distribution, and genome details of the parasites, as well as host
specificity, host-parasite interactions, and parasite pathology. This information will provide the
basis of a greater understanding of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of malaria to support future
development of strategies for the control and prevention of this zoonotic infection.
Research Article
zoonotic malaria, host species, genome, pathology, invasion mechanism
https://doi.org/ 10.3390/pathogens10070889