A Review Of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines In Africa: Opportunities To Enhance The Healthiness And Environmental Sustainability Of Population Diets
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African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) are important tools for promoting healthy
eating and nutrition education at the population level. Currently, more than 100
countries worldwide have developed FBDGs with the majority of existing FBDGs in high-income countries. However, there are a few countries in Africa which have developed
FBDGs. This review describes and compares the characteristics of existing FBDGs in
Africa. Data were extracted from all existing FBDGs from African countries which
have been archived in the Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) online
repository of FBDGs. In addition, supporting documentation from other sources linked
to the identified FBDGs was also reviewed. Extracted data were coded and
synthesized to describe the purpose of the FBDGs, the process for developing the
FBDGs, and how healthy diets were expressed in the FBDGs. In addition, the FBDGs
were examined for content on considerations for planetary health, and non-dietary
recommendations. A checklist was used to extract the evidence in the identified
documents. Of the 47 African countries in the WHO Africa region, only eight FBDGs
were identified from seven countries. South Africa had two FBDGs (including an FBDG
for young children). Multi-disciplinary technical working groups were convened to develop the majority of the FBDGs. The working groups utilized scientific evidence on
diet-related diseases and nutrient requirements as a basis for recommendations. All the
FBDGs were intended as a tool for promoting healthy diets among the lay population.
The FBDGs that were reviewed included between six and sixteen dietary messages.
Diet diversification was promoted as the most common recommendation across African
country FBDGs. The recommendations often promoted consumption of four to six food
groups communicated using text as well as images (food guide). Local availability and
cultural acceptability were important values promoted as part of an optimal diet in
some of the countries. However, none of the recommendations addressed
environmental sustainability. Apart from South Africa, none of the FBDGs had been
evaluated or revised. Across Africa, there is a need for increased focus on developing
new FBDGs or revising existing ones as a tool for meeting the dietary information
needs of populations at risk of malnutrition in all its forms.
Research Article
Food-based, Dietary, Guidelines, diversity, Africa, Health, Sustainability