Effect of Compost and Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nutrient Uptake, Growth and Grain Yield of Nerica Rice
Increasing inorganic fertilizer costs for food production and energy requirement for
inorganic fertilizer production suggests the need to supplement the nutrient requirement
of crops through organic amendments such as crop residues, manures and composts.
Combined use of organic and inorganic fertilizers can improve rice productivity and
sustain soil health and fertility. A pot experiment was conducted to compare the effects of
N source as compost (organic), inorganic fertilizer (inorganic) or combined N source
(organic + inorganic) on the nutrient uptake, growth and yield of NERICA 1 at the
University of Ghana Agricultural Research Centre at Kade. Application of 100% N from
compost induced higher tiller number, dry matter and grain yield compared to the no soil
amendment (control) treatment. Among the N sources applied the combined application
of organic and inorganic fertilizer exerted higher effects on dry matter, N uptake, tiller
number, effective tiller number, plant height, chlorophyll content and grain yield than the
application of inorganic N fertilizer alone or compost alone. The highest grain yield of
42.0 g/pot was induced by the combined application of 50% N from compost and 50% N
from inorganic N fertilizer. Application of 100% N from compost induced a lower grain
yield of 15 g/pot. Application of compost alone however induced the highest harvest
index, N harvest index and physiological N efficiency. The highest grain protein content
of 10.8% was recorded by the application of inorganic N fertilizer alone. Residual soil N
and organic matter were higher in treatments with compost application than in the control
or the inorganic N fertilizer alone treatment. In another pot experiment, the effect of basal
N application through compost and! or NPK and topdressing with different N amounts at
the panicle initiation stage on the nutrient uptake, growth and grain yield of NERICA 1 were also investigated. The application of basal N treatment, either as organic or
inorganic induced significant effects on dry matter production, tiller number, chlorophyll
content, at panicle initiation and at maturity, compared with the control. The application
of N as topdressing also induced significant effects on dry matter, chlorophyll content
and grain yield, compared with the control. The combined application of compost at
514 g (8gN) as basal and topdressing at 2.8' gN/pot (urea) induced the highest grain yield
of 42.5 gpot-1. Basal N application and topdressing with N fertilizers (urea) were both
effective in promoting dry matter and grain yield of NERICA 1.
Nerica Rice, Compost, Inorganic Nitrogen Fertilizer, Grain Yield, Nutrient Uptake