Experiences of Released Juvenile Offenders in Greater Accra, Ghana

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University Of Ghana


This study explored the experiences of released juvenile offenders in Accra and was underpinned by Lazarus and Folkman‘s Transactional Model of Stress, Appraisal, and Coping. The study sought to find out (1) what challenges do released juvenile offenders in Accra encounter. (2) the factors that contribute to challenges faced by released juvenile offenders in Accra and (3) the coping strategies employed by released juvenile offenders in Accra to deal with challenges they experience. Twelve male released juvenile offenders, were recruited purposively to participate in the study. Data was gathered through in-depth interviews and was analyzed using Smith and Osborne‘s (2008) Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. The study found out that, released juvenile offenders in Accra had some challenges in education and employment. The study further found out that, poverty, stigmatization, and lack of state transitional support contributed to some challenges encountered by released juvenile offenders in Accra. Finally, the study identified both formal and informal social support from family and friends, non-governmental support, source of income, and independent living as coping strategies employed by released juvenile offenders in Accra. In view of these findings, the study recommended that reintegration provisions made in the ‖Justice for All Children‖ policy should be implemented to help reduce challenges encountered by released juvenile offenders in Accra. Also, the study recommended that artisans association should be involved in the reintegration process of the released juvenile offenders to help reduce the risk of reoffending. Non-governmental organisation and agiencies should continue working and helping with the reintegration of released juvenile offenders in Ghana.




Juvenile Offenders




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