Assessing The Environmental Factors Of Social Entrepreneurship In Ghana
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University of Ghana
This study examined social entrepreneurship activities, social entrepreneurship environmental factors and the nexus of social entrepreneurship environment and social entrepreneurship activities. Five in-depth qualitative case studies provided insights on the individual perspectives on the influencing environmental factors of social entrepreneurship. The environmental factors which influence social entrepreneurship activities in Ghana are: corruption and bureaucracy, regulatory framework, tax and tariff regime, wealth distribution, infrastructure, illiteracy, and technological innovations. The study also found that technological innovations (social media) have a positive influence on social entrepreneurship in the Ghana. It was also found that the concept is an age-old phenomenon in the Ghanaian space but was not designated as such. The environment therefore has a direct impact on social entrepreneurship activities. The process of social entrepreneurship resonates with the theory of causation and thus the social cognitive theory. There is the urgent need for policy framework to govern the social entrepreneurship phenomenon. The regulatory framework of social entrepreneurship, commercial entrepreneurship as well as not-for-profit organizations needs to be effectively mapped out.
Thesis (MPhil)
Environmental Factors, Social Entrepreneurship, Assessing, Ghana