Pregnancy Related Causes of Deaths in Ghana
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Ghana Medical Journal
The woman plays an indispensable role in the home and childbirth, which should normally bring about joy can rather be tragic for the family and society.Der et al1 have produced an excellent paper that shows the gravity of maternal deaths at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. The 5-year study (2004-2008) shows that though the mortality rate in women in the reproductive age has reduced to (634) 12%, the pregnancy-related deaths have increased. What is equally worrisome is the finding that (517) 81% were coroner’s. Fifty- four out of 55 (98%) deaths resulting from ectopic pregnan-cy were recorded as coroners. Also recorded as coro-ner’s were (27) 96.3% of cases of ruptured uterus, which would have followed prolonged labour prevent-able with the aid of the partograph.
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childbirth, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana, Unsafe abortion