Water Use and Associated Health Risks along the Volta River - The Case of South Tongu District
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University of Ghana
One major challenge for both rural and urban Africans is the ability to access clean water supply. Water is integral to all aspects of human welfare, including security, energy, food, and health. Even though stakeholders in Ghana have been creating public awareness and education against the direct use of unimproved water sources, wide variation continues to exist in access to pipe borne water, making households more susceptible to water use related health risks through unsafe water consumption. The main objective of this study is to ascertain the level of public awareness and knowledge about water quality improvement in curbing water related diseases among rural communities along the Volta River in South Tongu District.
The research used mixed method to collect field data quantitatively and qualitatively. A total of 160 questionnaires were administered to 3 selected communities, 9 interviews with stakeholders and 3 sets of focus group discussions were conducted. The study found a significant relationship between the main sources of water and location of residents. Additionally, it was found that communities living along the Volta River without access to potable water always depend on the Volta River. There was low level of public awareness and educational programmes within the communities without potable water, couple with little knowledge on the use of most effective simple HWTMs to improve water quality for drinking and other uses. The most prevalent water-use related diseases were diarrhoea, skin itching, bilharzia, typhoid and others.
It is recommended that the South Tongu District Assembly together with other stakeholders including NGOs should canvass for resources in order to supply the communities along Volta River with potable water. There should be short and long-term intensive public awareness and educational campaign on the effects of using unsafe water and unhygienic practices along the river bank.
rural, urban Africans, unimproved water sources, South Tongu District, field data, questionnaire, communities, diarrhoea, river bank.