Role of Protein and Amino Acids in Infant and Young Child Nutrition: Protein and Amino Acid Needs and Relationship with Child Growth
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Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology
Prevention of malnutrition in infants and children is multifaceted and requires
the following: access to and intake of nutritious food starting at birth with exclusive breast-
feeding for the first 6
mo of life, continued breastfeeding in combination with complemen-
tary foods from 6–24
mo of age, access to clean drinking water and sanitation, and access to
preventive and curative health care (including prenatal). Nutrient-dense complementary
foods can improve nutritional status and have long-term benefits; however, in a review
of plant-based complementary foods in developing countries, most of them failed to meet
many micronutrient requirements. There is need to provide other cost-effective alternatives
to increase the quality of the diet during the complementary feeding stage of the lifecycle.
This paper provides an overview of the development, testing, efficacy and effectiveness of
the delivery of KOKO Plus on the growth and nutritional status of infants 6–24
mo of age.
protein, amino acids, protein quality, complementary foods, infant and young child nutrition