Determinants of Household-Level Food Storage Practices and Outcomes on Food Safety and Security in Accra, Ghana
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Household-level food storage can help families save money, minimize food waste, and
enhance food safety and security. Storing food within households may, however, be affected by domestic routines like food shopping and cooking. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate how consumers’
attitudes and behaviors influence food storage at the household level. This study aimed to assess
the determinants of household-level food storage, ascertain consumers’ behavior and perception
towards food storage, and assess the effect of household-level food storage on food safety, wastage,
food expenditure and security. Dzorwulu and Jamestown, both located in Accra, Ghana, served as
the study’s primary sites. The study employed a survey and structural equation modeling to evaluate
key determinants of household-level food storage practices and their impacts. A semi-structured
questionnaire was administered to 400 food household heads, sampled using systematic sampling
procedure. The results showed that food shopping drives food storage. There was, however, a significant negative association (p < 0.001) between food shopping and time of food storage. Although
cooking impedes household-level food storage; there was significant positive association (p < 0.001)
between frequency of cooking and storage period of food commodities. The findings also revealed
that household-level food storage promotes food safety, reduces food expenditure and waste, and
contributes to enhancing food security by 43%. To promote household-level food storage and ensure
food safety and security, future study should concentrate on enhancing conventional household-level
food storage practices that are efficient, cheaper and easily implementable.
Research Article
food storage, food shopping, food security