Female Clergy And The Administration Of The Eucharist In the Presbyterian Church Of Ghana: Attitudes And Perceptions

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The Trinity Journal of Church and Theology


Religious teachings and communities playa role in the context of attitudes and perceptions towards women administering the Eucharist. Religious beliefs, texts and teachings serve as both roadblocks and as resources against female ministers administering the Eucharist. Christian scriptures contain texts of psychological perceptions towards women. Christian texts condone male attitudes against women and the domination of women. For example, in performing their roles the female clergy are faced with some challenges which are based on socio-cultural, theological and psychological factors. This article sets out to investigate the attitudes and perceptions towards women ministers in administering the Eucharist during the post ordination period of women as clergy in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PC G). This study examines the theory of gender equity using historical analysis. The existing structures within both the church and society are patriarchal and the structures turn to focus more on men than on women in the various sectors of life. The researcher came to the conclusion that though the women ministers are effectively performing the sacraments some of the negative perceptions that were used earlier to keep them from the ordained ministry basing on some Scriptural! sacred texts and cultural issues still persist. It is therefore concluded that the ordained women ministers in the PCG will continue to face challenges in administering the Eucharist so long as the socio-cultural, religious/ scriptural texts and psychological perceptions persist about female ministers.


Journal Article


Eucharist, Christian, Women, Religious teachings, Ghana




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