Sustainability Accounting Education: An Assessment of Accounting Education in Ghana.
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University of Ghana
This study aimed to look at accounting education and accounting curriculum in Ghana and to assess the perception of accounting academics on the matter of how sustainability could be integrated adequately in accounting education among public universities in Ghana. This investigation takes a gander at the critical issue of sustainability and how it can be coordinated at the institutional, curricular and instrumental level. A combination of two qualitative approaches were utilized for this examination to give more profundity to the investigation. Both content analysis and interviews were conducted to ascertain the views held by academics, on the nature and sufficiency of sustainability education among public universities in Ghana. An extant literature review and a review of the websites and handbook of the public universities framed the content analysis part of the study to determine the nature of integration of sustainability education in accounting courses at the Ghanaian universities. In spite of the fact that there was a general accord among members that a start has been made, the coordination is not sufficiently wide and sustainability education is not in sufficient profundity. Accounting academics in the public universities showed that it is critical for sustainability education to be incorporated into accounting courses of the public universities in Ghana. In perspective of the investigation findings, it gives that business schools or accounting departments need to keep up or give an optional higher student or post-graduate dimension course in sustainability accounting education. Confirmation from scholastics' close to home experience suggest that these courses better develop a students' learning of sustainability and research "essential issues, for example, how accounting can either reinforce or demolish sustainability activities for associations and society.
MPhil. Accounting
Accounting Education, Ghana