Red Cell Antigens in the Ewes of Ghana
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Ghana Medical Journal
The ABO and Rhesus Blood groups were determined
by standard methods in 568 blood donors of
the Ewe ethnic group. The MNSs. Kidd. Lutheran
Duffy and Kell blood groups were also determined
in some of them. The frequencies obtained for the
ABO and Rhesus genes were not much different
from earlier results and similar to those of other negro
populations. The commonest rhesus gene complexes
were cDe, cdc. Cdc, cDE. cdE and CDe. with
R°R°, R°T. R°r', R°R2 being the commonest combinations.
The MNSs frequencies were slightly different from
earlier results in the Ga ethnic group. JK (a-b-) and
Lu(a-b-) phenotypes were relatively high. The frequencies
of the Kell and Duffy were similar to findings
in some negro populations.
Journal Article on Red Cell Antigens in Ewes of Ghana
Ghana, Ewe, Blood Groups, Frequency, Lutheran, Kidd, Duffy, Kell, MNSs