The Role of Religious Leaders in Suicide Prevention in Ghana. A Qualitative Analysis
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Pastoral Psychology
Religious leaders play a key role in providing support to persons in mental health crisis.
The aim of this study is to examine how religious leaders in the Ga Municipal District of
Ghana perceive their role in the prevention of suicide in their community and the kinds of
help they provide to persons in suicidal crisis. A semi-structured interview guide was used
to gather data from 28 religious leaders. Thematic analysis of the transcribed data showed
that religious leaders perceive their role in suicide prevention as frontliners with a caring
obligation to help suicidal persons because of the possible loss of a life. Further, when religious
leaders interact with suicidal persons, they create healing communities, provide lay
counseling, provide referrals to mental health professionals, offer prayer and deliverance,
provide social support, and induce hope in such persons. Implications for interprofessional
collaboration and gatekeeper training for religious leaders in Ghana are addressed.
Research Article
Religious leaders, Suicide prevention, Ghana, Qualitative research