Reconciling safe planetary targets and planetary justice
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Earth System Governance
As human activity threatens to make the planet unsafe for humanity and other life forms, scholars are identifying
planetary targets set at a safe distance from biophysical thresholds beyond which critical Earth systems may
collapse. Yet despite the profound implications that both meeting and transgressing such targets may have for
human wellbeing, including the potential for negative trade-offs, there is limited social science analysis that
systematically considers the justice dimensions of such targets. Here we assess a range of views on planetary
justice and present three arguments associated with why social scientists should engage with the scholarship on
safe targets. We argue that complementing safe targets with just targets offers a fruitful approach for considering
synergies and trade-offs between environmental and social aspirations and can inform inclusive deliberation on
these important issues.
Research Article
Planetary justice, Planetary boundaries, Safe planetary targets, Just targets