Prophetic Ministry And Socio-Economic Life Of Ghanaians: A Case Study Of Neo-Prophetic Churches In The Ashanti

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University of Ghana


Pentecostal / Charismatic Christianity in Ghana ‘gives birth’ to new prophets every passing moment, and consequently, new prophetic ministries. One of the most intriguing beliefs of twenty-first-century Christianity is that Neo-Prophetic churches can influence the socio-economic life of believers. Many believers think that the words of the ‘neo-prophets’ can change their fortunes. This work explores how the activities and messages of the Neo-Prophetic churches influence the socio-economic life of Ghanaians. It examined the activities and messages of the prophetic churches of Ebenezer Miracle Worship Center and Go Ye Harvesters International church, both in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. In carrying out this objective, the study employs Georg Fohrer’s typology of prophecy in Ancient Israel. Methodologically, the study used historical, theological, and phenomenological approaches. It relied on participant observation, focus group discussions, interviews, and electronic media to solicit the views of respondents on issues that remained central to this study. The study argues that ‘spiritual causality’ may explain the attempt to solicit the help of prophets to better economic fortunes of people. Thus, in the broader context of prayer, divine direction (akwankyere), offering, and seed sowing, an individual is sure to overcome the barriers of socio-economic problems. This study found out that though prophecies are generally accepted and believed by most Ghanaian Christians, they do not influence the socio-economic life of the Ghanaians. Instead, hard work enhances their socio-economic standing. The study recommends education to improve the issues of socio-economic status of such people. People are supposed to be responsible, hard-working, and discipline in their field of work to enhance their socio-economic status. Thus, they should not waste their much energies and resources on prophets who rather enrich themselves at the expense of the congregants.


MPhil. The Study Of Religion


Christianity, Believers, Prophecy, Ghana, Pentecostal, Socio-economic




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