Export Diversification and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
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Most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have been associated with low and volatile
growth performance over the years. Export diversification has been identified in the literature
as growth-inducing. This study provides evidence on the relationship between export
diversification and economic growth using panel data of forty-two (42) SSA countries.
Employing the system Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) estimation technique and
three different measures of diversification, we find that export diversification has a positive
and significant effect on economic growth in SSA. Our results are robust to the measures
of export diversification. The results do not however support a hump-shaped (non-linear)
relationship between export diversification and economic growth in SSA. The findings have
relevant implications for policy.
Export Diversification, Economic Growth, Sub-Saharan Africa, System GMM