Diagnostic options for pulmonary fungal diseases in Africa
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Background Fungal lung diseases are global in distribution and require specific tests for diagnosis. We
report a survey of diagnostic service provision in Africa.
Methods A written questionnaire was followed by a video conference call with each respondent(s) and
external validation. To disseminate the questionnaire, a snowball sample was used.
Results Data were successfully collected from 50 of 51 African countries with populations >1 million. The
questionnaire was completed by respondents affiliated with 72 health facilities. Of these 72 respondents, 33
(45.8%) reported data for the whole country while others reported data for a specific region/province within
their country. In the public sector, chest X-ray and computed tomography are performed often in 49 countries
(98%) and occasionally in 37 countries (74%), and less often in the private sector. Bronchoscopy and
spirometry were done often in 28 countries (56%) and occasionally in 18 countries (36%) in the tertiary
health facilities of public sector. The most conducted laboratory diagnostic assay was fungal culture (often or
occasionally) in 29 countries (58%). In collaboration with the Africa Centre for Disease Control and
Prevention, regional webinars and individual country profiles provided further data validation.
Conclusion This survey has found a huge disparity of diagnostic test capability across the African
continent. Some good examples of good diagnostic provision and very high-quality care were seen, but
this was unusual. The unavailability of essential testing such as spirometry was noted, which has a high
impact in the diagnosis of lung diseases. It is important for countries to implement tests based on the
World Health Organization Essential Diagnostics List.
Research Article
Fungal lung diseases, pulmonary, Africa
Cite this article as: Mushi MF, Zaki SM, Penney ROS, et al. Diagnostic options for pulmonary fungal diseases in Africa. ERJ Open Res 2023; 9: 00397-2022 [DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00397-2022].