Describing brown as green: an examination of the relationship between greenwashing and consumer negative emotive outcomes
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Cogent Business & Management
As the demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly products continues to rise,
consumers have become more discerning in their brand choices. This has resulted in
many companies resorting to greenwashing to appear environmentally friendly. While
previous studies have explored different dimensions of greenwashing, its effects on
consumer emotive outcomes have not been given much scholarly attention. Therefore,
this study sought to examine the relationship between greenwashing and consumer
negative emotive outcomes. Additionally, the study examined the potential moderating
effect of brand loyalty on the relationship between greenwashing and these negative
emotive outcomes. A cross-sectional survey involving a total of 490 respondents with
usage experience of green household electronic appliances was utilized. Data were
analyzed using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM)
approach. The results of the analysis revealed a positive correlation between
greenwashing and all four negative emotive outcomes examined. Furthermore, the
findings demonstrated that brand loyalty plays a positive moderating role in the
relationship between greenwashing and negative emotive outcomes. The study thus,
strongly recommends that brands engaged in greenwashing discontinue the practice.
The consequences of the negative outcomes associated with greenwashing extend
beyond a decline in sales performance. It could potentially inflict significant damage on
the corporate brand image and reputation. Therefore, brands should prioritize genuine
environmental responsibility to mitigate these adverse effects and maintain a positive
brand image among consumers.
Research Article
Greenwashing, brand avoidance, brand hate, brand retaliation
Sayibu Ibrahim Nnindini & Justice Boateng Dankwah (2024) Describing brown as green: an examination of the relationship between greenwashing and consumer negative emotive outcomes, Cogent Business & Management, 11:1, 2367781, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2024.2367781