Nuptiality and Fertility Patterns in Ghana, 2008
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University of Ghana
The study was aimed at examining nuptiality and fertility patterns, as well as examining
the relationship between nuptiality and fertility in Ghana. The study was based on secondary data using the 2008 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey data. The nuptiality variables examined are age at first marriage, marital status and marital duration.
Selected socio-economic and demographic variables were also considered as control
variables as they affect these nuptiality variables and fertility. Univariate and cross tabulations were used to examine the patterns and how these variables affect fertility. Rates and means were used for the study. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to examine the relationship between nuptiality and fertility while controlling for socio-economic and demographic variables in the model. Marriage was observed to be early and universal in Ghana.
The study reveals that mean age at first marriage for the female respondents under this
investigation is 19.19. It was found that there are 454 marriages per every 1000 female
populations aged 15 to 49 years in Ghana. The study revealed 69 divorces per every 1000
marriages in Ghana. The marriage patterns found in the study are that, 45.5 percent of the
women were married whilst there were 3.2 percent divorcees. 32.4 percent were not married and 13 .1 percent were in consensual union. Also, 2.1 percent were widowed whilst 3.9 percent were separated. Married and widowed women were found to have more children than the other marital status with 3.66 and 4.52 mean children ever born respectively. It was also found that longer duration of marriage is associated with high fertility relative to short duration. Age at first marriage was found to be inversely related to children ever born in Ghana. Also married women were found to be more likely to have more children than the never married.
The study recommends female education, women empowerment and reproductive health
education targeting specific nuptiality categories which have fertility tendencies and integrated approach at regulating fertility in Ghana.
MA. Population Studies
Ghana, Fertility