Spawning and recruitment patterns of major fish species in Bontanga Reservoir, Ghana, West Africa
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Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management
The spawning and recruitment patterns of the major Cichlid fish species, including Hemichromis fasciatus, Oreochromis niloticus, Sarotherodon galilaeus, Tilapia zillii and other species, Auchenoglanis occidentalis, Brycinus nurse, Clarias gariepinus and Marcusenius senegalensis were studied for 24 months in Bontanga Reservoir, Ghana, using length-based fish stock assessment approaches. The species spawned throughout the year, with two spawning pulses described as major and minor spawning seasons. The major spawning season occurred from March to September for the Cichlids, and from May to September for the other species. The minor spawning season, indicative of extended spawning, occurred from October to March for all the fish stocks. Fish spawning began with the onset of the rains in April/May, peaking by June/July, before the rainfall peak in August for all the fish stocks studied. Recruitment was found to occur throughout the year, with major and minor pulses coinciding with the major and minor spawning seasons. Accordingly, the most appropriate time for a possible closed fishing period appears to be from June to August, 1 month after the start of, and before the end of, the rains. The estimated mean standard length (Lm) for first time spawners of A. occidentalis, B. nurse, C. gariepinus and H. faciatus were 11.7, 12.7, 2.7 and 7.5 cm respectively. The estimated maturity-length ratio of 0.4 and 0.2 for O. niloticus, S. galilaeus and T. zillii were lower than the known 0.7 for normal growth, suggesting the tilapias matured faster, and at a smaller size, in the reservoir. Apparent sexual precocity associated with early maturity, year-round spawning and recruitment were some important adaptations found to have sustained the reservoir fisheries, even during high fishing pressures. For conservation and sustainable exploitation of the fisheries, instituting a closed fishing season, mesh size regulations, withdrawal rights and a community-based fishery management system are recommended. © 2010 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.
Bontanga Reservoir, Closed fishing period, Fish, Management, Recruitment, Spawning