Lexicons of women's empowerment online: Appropriating the other.

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In this essay, we examine discourses of women's emancipation online. We examine some nuances of how these lexicons of empowerment play out. One discursive formation examined is websites around female genital mutilation (FGM) in online activism while a second is the Americans for United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) website. The third case is based in work offline trying to develop strategies for online marketing. This case discusses the (im)possibility of sustaining handloom and craft communities through online marketing of such products, arguing that online marketing of such products often tends to be subsumed by the logic of charity towards oppressed women. We try to show how lexicons of women's empowerment online are situated in an ideological framing that ends up being counterproductive over the long run. In each of the cases described, the possibilities for articulation are constrained by the same discourse that claims to empower.



Discourses of liberal feminism


2. Gajjala, R., Zhang, Y., &Dako-Gyeke, P. (2010). Lexicons of women's empowerment online: Appropriating the other. Feminist Media Studies, 10(1), 69-86.



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