Assessing the Processes, Strategies and Implementation Challenges of Performance Management System At La Dade Kotopon Municipal Assembly. (Ladma)


Performance management is now a worldwide assessment tool for organizations. With the competition in the league table of best performing organizations and assemblies, it has become prudent to enforce such policies in order to realize the aims and targets of organizations and also improve performance of employees. Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) are no exception as they play a very important role in the country’s local government system. The study assessed the processes, strategies and implementation challenges of Performance Management systems at the La Dade Kotopon Municipal Assembly of Accra. A qualitative research approach was adopted to explore the Processes, strategies and Implementation of the performance management system. A case study was used as the specific design. A purposive and convenience sampling was used to arrive at thirty (30) participants and respondents which included heads of departments and employees. Findings of the study revealed that, the assembly used a combined system namely performance management and appraisal system but employees were much familiar with the latter (performance appraisal) since that has been used from time immemorial. It was also realized that employees used performance appraisal for the purposes of promotion. The study also found out that the involvement of employees during the performance appraisal was very minimal while the busy nature of supervisors resulted to the low commitment of employees. The study came to a conclusion that though there has been some success chalked, the assembly could achieve more if it creates an environment where all employees will be included with the right flow of communication and the interest at heart with none being sidelined, greater achievements will continuously be a hallmark.



La Dade Kotopon Municipal Assembly, Performance Management System, Strategies and Implementation, Assessing the Processes




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