Studies into the Nutritive Value and Use of Energy and Protein Feedstuffs for Poultry in Ghana

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University of Ghana


This study was conducted to evaluate energy and protein feedstuffs for poultry. Proximate composition was estimated and metabolizable energy also investigated in experiments I and II respectively. Sorghum and Soybean oil meal were also evaluated as main energy and protein sources replacing maize and fish meal respectively for broilers in experiment III. Experiment III was conducted as a 3x3 factorial in a randomized complete block design with three replicates (blocks). There were three levels of sorghum (ie sorghum (100%); sorghum-maize (46 - 54%); no sorghum (0%)) and three levels of soybean oil meal (ie soybean meal (1 0 0 %); soybean meal-fish meal (50% - 50%); fish meal no soybean (0%)). Most of the values obtained in experiments I and II conformed to values obtained in literature, with few variations. On basis of energy sources, in experiment III no significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed with reference to daily weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion efficiency. One kg of the maize diet was more expensive than 1 kg of the sorghum diet. It also cost 23.84 cedis more for birds on the maize diet to gain 1 kg live weight than birds on the sorghum diet. Birds on the fish meal diets gained significantly (p > 0.05) lower weights than birds on other protein diets. But with regard to feed intake and feed conversion no significant differences were observed among protein treatments. Fish meal diets were more expensive than soybean oil meal diet, and it cost 27.54 cedis more for birds on fish meal diet to gain 1 kg live weight than birds on soybean oil meal diets.


Thesis, (MPhil) - University of Ghana, 1991





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